
Rural Development
Research Platform

  • The Rural Development Research Platform represents an interdisciplinary research group in the field of rural and rurban systems.
  • The group was established in Iași, Romania in January 2016.
  • RDRP is a result of the interdisciplinary collaboration between the collectives of agro-economy and digital anthropology,  within the Institute of Economic and Social Research of the Romanian Academy, Iași Branch.
Iasi / Romania


Scientific Research Hub

Rural Development Research Platform is the main core of the RDRP Knowledge Ecosystem and it represents a collaborative and innovative hub dedicated to scientific research and knowledge transfer. The main research fields of the RDRP hub are those scientific domains related to rural and urban systems and their development within the contemporary European Union. 

Values & Strategies

RDRP Values

Science for Society

Scientific Research

RDRP research is made as a support for durable sustainable and inclusive development of the rural and urban systems in European Union. 

Systems Thinking

Societal Knowledge

RDRP research methodology is based on systems thinking epistemology and is oriented on the development of our society in all its dimensions. 

Co-Innovation & Co-Creation

Participatory Knowledge

RDRP does fundamental, theoretical, practical, and applied research. Our epistemic sources are generated by the explicit and implicit knowledge of our stakeholder community.  

Multi-Actor Community

Participatory Governance

RDRP is making research within the scope of raising awareness for participatory actions in local and regional, rural and urban development.  

European Values

European Projects

Our team has been actively involved in European, national, regional, and local projects since 2010. Our main contribution is in scientific research, innovation, and participatory actions with our stakeholders community

Local Heritage

Regional Development

RDRP main horizon of research and development is North-East Development Region in Romania. Our activity is oriented on rural and urban development according with the contemporary European values and principles

Integrated Systems


The problems of the European systems are very complex in nowadays world. In this context, the living & policy ecosystems could be the next best-integrated solutions for European projects.


Knowledge Ecosystems

One of the most important research departments of the RDRP Platform is supporting scientific and participatory research in knowledge ecosystems as the next integrated and innovative tools for European Projects.

Research Dimensions

RDRP Research Domains

Knowledge Production

Rural Development

Rural Development is the main domain of research and knowledge transfer for RDRP Platform. 


Urban Systems

Urban Systems. 

Innovative and Strategic Actions

Living & Policy Labs

Living & Policy Labs are now the main innovative and strategic  infrastructures to manage knowledge, value and actions within European projects.

Co-creation & Co-Innovation

Stakeholders Communities

One of the most important research field for managing and implementing European projects is represented by the community of stakeholders. 

Knowledge Based Society

Systems Thinking

The complexity of rural and urban systems is the main reason to have a systemic approach in researching and understanding these systems. 

Participatory Culture

Participatory Governance

Participatory knowledge gives us the opportunity to develop participatory innovation and governance. Participatory culture is the binder for all our endevors. 

Research Epistemology

Scientific Research Principles

Knowledge for Society

Theory & Practice

Our research projects and activities are theory and practice oriented too. We do fundamental research with practical implementation. 

Exploratory methods

Exploratory Knowledge

Our projects and activities are exploratory too.

Trans & Interdisciplinary Approach

Frontier Research

Our research projects and activities encourage trans and interdisciplinary approaches. 

Societal Research

Knowledge for People

We implement both natural and social research and our epistemic values are societal knowledge oriented. 

Knowledge as a Democratic Culture

Open Science

Our research projects and activities produce deliverables given to our community under open access principles. 

Qualitative & Quantitative Research

Modern methods

Our research projects and activities encourage both qualitative and quantitative research. 

RDRP Knowledge Ecosystem

RDRP Platform is the core of the RDRP Knowledge Ecosystem. 

RDRP Knowledge Ecosystem integrates the RDRP main platform, 2 living labs, 3 symposium platforms, 2 stakeholder community platforms, 1 visual epistemology platform, and a social media infrastructure. 

Scientific Research Platform
Urban Living & Policy Lab
Rural Living & policy Lab
National Symposium
Local Producers Platform
Food Consumers and Producers
Local Producers Platform
Ecosystem MAP


  • The Rural Development Research Platform represents an interdisciplinary research group in the field of rural and rurban systems.

Rural Development Research Platform

Diana Creangă

Communication Coordinator, Researcher & Facilitator


Lucian Tanasă

Research Management, Researcher & Facilitator


Sonia Bulei

Web Development, Graphic Design, Photography

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Codrin Dinu Vasiliu

 Researcher & Facilitator

Cristina-Maria Popescu

Maria-Cristina Popescu

 Researcher & Facilitator

Vlad Andreica

Vlad Andreica

Researcher & Facilitator